For special event security to be its most effective it must be integrated throughout every component, and have advisors brought in at the very earliest stages of event planning. This forges the relationships between all stakeholders and security, allows for questions to be asked early that may affect the design and detail of the event, and helps develop a culture and understanding of how security is pervasive throughout every level. Whether floor layout design, access control, asset protection, credentialing, green rooms, stage design, transportation, fire safety, or VIP & Law enforcement liaison and much more.
Event Security is not about standing around ready to react if something goes wrong. That is reactive. In-fact it needs to be the opposite, security pro-actively identifying threats and the risk of those threats to help plan to avoid the danger. This is not just the physical aspect of protecting people and assets from serious threats such as terrorism, but involves reputation and brand protection as well as protection from litigation. There are multiple examples of events hitting the media spotlight for all the wrong reasons, including unprofessional security being aggressive or mishandling situations.
Identifying threats and the risk of those threats to help plan to avoid the danger. This is not just the physical aspect of protecting people and assets from serious threats such as terrorism, but involves reputation and brand protection as well as protection from litigation. There are multiple examples of events hitting the media spotlight for all the wrong reasons, including unprofessional security being aggressive or mishandling situations.
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