Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM)

In today’s evolving threat landscape, corporate espionage, cyber crime, and illicit surveillance pose significant risks to businesses, executives, and high-value assets. ETS Risk Management provides elite-level Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) services, leveraging technical surveillance specialists with decades of experience in counterintelligence, espionage detection, and covert security operations.

Our TSCM specialists originate from the highest echelons of UK and U.S. counter-terrorism, intelligence, and special operations. The UK and European team comprises UK Special Forces (SF), MI5, and MI6 covert counter-espionage professionals, while our U.S. team is led by a former FBI TSCM expert with 30 years of experience in counter-surveillance operations.

We deploy globally at short notice, offering comprehensive TSCM sweeps, electronic surveillance detection, and risk mitigation strategies for corporate offices, executive residences, boardrooms, vehicles, yachts, and secure communication channels. Our technical surveillance training programs equip organizations with advanced counter-surveillance skills to mitigate eavesdropping, bugging threats, and cyber-enabled espionage.

ETS delivers bespoke counter-technical surveillance solutions tailored to the unique needs of corporations, high-net-worth individuals, and government entities. Whether responding to a known threat or proactively securing your environment, our TSCM experts ensure the highest level of technical security assurance worldwide.



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