ETS has been working in Ukraine since 2015 providing secure transportation and logistical support to clients. When hostilities first developed in February 2022 ETS was engaged by multiple clients to provide threat intelligence and response plans to react to the situation. When the war broke out ETS leveraged our local high-level contacts in Ukraine, Poland, and Romania to assist with evacuations.
Early evacuation successes were seen within a few days of the invasion when there was still huge uncertainty in relation to troop movements and potential for civilian casualties. As the war developed the ETS local team established solid SOPs, and determined primary and secondary routes from the major cities, as well as developing contacts and relationships at the key border crossings.
To further support our clients the ETS intelligence team started 24/7 monitoring for clients providing daily intelligence reports, and flash reports when relevant and timely. The ETS intel team were heavily focused on troop movements and working to identify safe extraction routes.